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Nov 12, 2023

AT Products LLC: An official Deltasoft Partner

As the founder and CEO of AT Products LLC from 2021, I am proud to announce that my company will partner with Deltasoft officially, and its product, Deltasoft AI, starting today.

I will author some blog posts here on Deltasoft AI and assist with what Deltasoft needs, as we may even create a joint company shortly. I expect to start and enlarge some great things with Deltasoft.

Our companies' relationships have been at large even before this partnership as Deltasoft assisted with our company before, thanks to them as they made 2.15, a version on our site, possible.

I hope that Deltasoft will continue to enlarge as a company with its technology advancing with AI and that AI continues to seek to be more helpful in the technology field. They use something newly discovered and make it better than ever. Thanks again, Deltasoft, for your company's contributions to the IT field.


- Alex Toucan

Alex Toucan


Nov 12, 2023

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